Expert Talk

Academic Year 24-25
Sr. No. Name of  Topic Resource Person Duration Class
1 Project Planning and Execution Mr.Akras Bapuraje

Pro Azure  Software Solutions

07.08.2024 CO5I
2 Data Science Mr.Bhushan Joshi

Dy.vice President , HDFC software

12.08.2024 CO5I
3 Project Development Methodology Mr. Praveen Jadhav


06.09.2024 CO5I
4 Success and You Mr.Ajay Kumar

YouthPeace Founation

06.09.2024 CO3K
5 Career path in Fullstack java Ms.Amruta Gaikwad ,IANT,Pune 19.09.2024 CO5I,CO3K
6 Highlights on essence of Indian constitution Mr.Sumedh Thorat

Project Manager , BARTI

23.09.2024 CO3K
7 Literacy in Financial Planning Ms.Pooja Phanase

Financial Risk Adviser,Pune

09.01.2025 CO6I
Academic Year 23-24
Sr. No. Name of Topic Resource Person Duration Class
1 Software Testing Mr.Swapnil Dhatrak,Mastercard, Pune 03.10.2023 TYCO
2 Database Security Ms. Rutuja Sathe, Infeanet Digital Marketing.Pune 18.10.2022 SYCO
3 App Authentication & Implementation Talk Mr.Sushil Soni Livewire Systems 08.01.24 TYCO
4 Finance Management Mr.Akram Khan ,PROARTH CONSULTANTS,Pvt.Ldt 30.01.24 TYCO
5 Project Management & Agile Methodologies Mr.Anoop Nanekar

Sumago Infotech Pvt Ltd,Pune

02.02.2024 SYCO
Academic Year 22-23
Sr. No. Name of Topic Resource Person Duration Class
1 Engineering is awesome Mr. Raghavn Koli,The Conquerors,Mumbai 30.09.2022 SYCO
2 Automation Testing Tools in Software Testing Mr.Sachin Pandit, Accuvantech Pvt. Ltd.Pune 16.11.2022 TYCO
3 Database Security and Transaction Processing Ms. Rutuja Sathe, Infeanet Digital Marketing.Pune 17.11.2022 SYCO
4 Big Data and AI Mr. Nikhil Naagawanshi, Avodha Edutech Pvt. Ltd. Pune 25.11.2022 TYCO
5 Mrs.Sarita Sinha,GM-IMFS,Pune Necesssity and Importance of  Management ACTS 06.02.2023 TYCO
Academic Year 21-22
Sr. No. Name of Topic Resource Person Duration Class
1 Success and You Mr.Ajay kumar 13.10.2021 SYCO
2 Success and You Mr.Ajaykumar 14.10.2021 TYCO
3 Database Security and Transaction Processing Mr.Nitin Magdum 06.12.2021 SYCO
4 Project Development Methodology Mr. Pravin Jadhav

Managing Director  ,

Globeminds Technology Pvt. Ltd. Pune

13.12.2021 TYCO
5 Principles of programming languages Securepoint Technologies PvtLimted ,Pune 16.12.2021 TYCO
Expert Lecture on “Success and You” on 13/10/2021&14/10/2021
Expert Lecture on “Database Security and Transaction Processing” on 06/12/2021
Expert Lecture on Project Development Methodology13.12.2021
Expert Lecture on “Principles of programming languages” on 16/12/2021
Academic Year 20-21
Sr. No. Name of Topic Resource Person Duration Class
1 Automation Testing Tools in Software Testing Mr.Shahabaaz Pathan ABSA,South Africa Mr.Akshay Shete Infosysy,Pune 16/06/2020 TYCO
2 Capstone Project Planning (Report Writing and Paper Publication for Capstone Project” Mr. Sumit Surana Quickyes Infotech Pvt.Ltd 08/10/2020 TYCO
3 Highlights on Essential Concepts of Java and Advanced  Java Mr. Sudesh Hinge, IANT,Pune 21/01/2021 TYCO
4 Website Development with HTML 5,CSS and Bootstrap Mr. Nikhil Sanjay Gavhale software developer in Glyphisoft Technology Solution Pvt Ltd. 11/05/2021 TYCO
5 AGILE FRAMEWORK Ms.Sayali Jagtap ,Ms.Kavita Jadhav Mr. Harshad Thombare ,ThoughtWorks Technologies,Pune 19/05/2021 SYCO
6 Overview of TCP/IP Protocol Suite Mr.Vipul Jain, Associate Manager, Accenture, Pune 31/05/2021 SYCO
7 Introduction to UML Diagrams Dr. Meenakshi Thalor, HOD IT Department, AISSMS IOIT 05/06/2021 TYCO
Expert  Lecture on  “ Website  development  with HTMl5,CSS  and  Bootstrap on 11/05/2021
Expert  Lecture on  “AGILE FRAMEWORK” on 19/05/2021
Expert  Lecture on  ” Overview of TCP/IP Protocol Suite” on 31/05/2021
Expert  Lecture on  “Introduction to UML Diagrams” on 05/06/2021
Expert Lecture on Automation Testing Tools in Software Testing on 16/06/2020
Expert Lecture Capstone Project Planning on 08/10/2020
Expert Lecture on Highlights on Essential Concepts of Java and Adv.Java on 21/01/2021
Academic Year 19-20


Sr. No. Name of Topic Resource Person Duration Class
1 Introduction to SAP Mrs. Swati Manjaratkar 15/07/19 TYCO
2 Project Planning Mrs. M.A.Thalor 30/07/19 TYCO
3 Study Abroad Guidance Ms.Kanchan Agrawal,CANAM consultance LTD. 01/08/19 TYCO
4 Databases And Emerging Technologies Mr. Harshal Chandile, 14/09/19 SYCO
5 Importance of Cyber security Mr. Sumit Debnath, 23/09/19 TYCO
6 Software Testing and Automation Mr. Avinash Pande 27/09/19 TYCO
7 Network topology and network devices Ms. ShivaniPatil,NITS Global 16/12/19 SYCO
8 Software Engg. Industrial Approach Mr.Sumit Surana 28/12/19 SYCO
9 SQLite in Mobile Application Development Ms. Sneha Kurri 04/01/20 TYCO
10 Carrier Guidance Ascanius Dsouza 29/01/20 TYCO


Guest Lecture on  Introduction to SAP  ON 15/07/2019  BY Mrs. Swati Manjaratkar


Guest  Lecture on  CAPSTONE PROJECT PLANNING ON 30/07/2019 By Mrs. M.A.Thalor


Guest Lecture on CAREEER GUIDANCE ON  OVERSEAS EDUCATION  on 01/08/2019 by Ms. Kanchan Agrawal




Guest Lecture on Importance of  CYBER SECURITY  23/09/2019 by Mr. Sunil Debnath


Guest Lecture on Software Testing and Automation  27/09/2019 by Mr. Avinash Pande


Guest Lecture Network topology and network devices ON 16/12/2019 BY Ms. Shivani Patil,NITS Global


Guest Lecture on Software Engg. Industrial Approach ON 28/12/2019 By Mr. Sumit Surana


Guest Lecture on SQLite in Mobile Application Development on 04/01/2020 by Ms. Sneha Kurri


Guest Lecture on Carrier Guidance on 29/01/2020 by Mr. Ascanius Dsouza
Academic Year 18-19
Sr. No. Topic Date-Month-Year Resource Person Class
1 Ethical hacking 07/11/2018 Mr.Satish Singh TYCO
2 Study abroad and higher education opportunity 31/08/2018 Ms. Shailaja Sharma TYCO
3 Career Apportunity after Diploma 25/09/2018 Mr. Rudraksh Awaasthi
4 Agile Development Model 11/01/2019 Mr. Rohan Gandhi TYCO
5 Data communication and Networking 29/01/2019 Mr. A.J.Kadam SYCO
6 Engineering is  Awesome 12/02/2019 Mr. Raghavan Koli SYCO
7 Router installation and Configuaration 26/02/2019 Mr. Suhas Salvi SYCO
8 Introduction to Open source Web-Technologies 19/09/2018 Mr. Ravikiran Bhendegave TYCO
9 Introduction to ERP and SAP 08/01/2019 Mr. Divyabhanu Rana TYCO
10 Modern Technique and Systems of Quality Management 29/01/2019 Mr. S.P. Paranjape TYCO
11 Introduction to Data Mining 08/09/2018 Mr. Vinod Thete SYCO
12 Collection Frame Work in JAVA 16/02/2019 Mr. Suhas Jadhav SYCO
Academic Year 17-18
Sr. No. Topic Date-Month-0Year Resource Person Class
1 Ethical Hacking 08/18/2017 Mr. Paras Shah TYCO
2 AGILE Development 09/27/2017 Mr. Rajesh Pednekar TYCO
3 Carrier Guidance 01/10/2018 Mr. Muzahid Kazi TYCO
4 Software Testing Skill Development 25/01/2018 Mr. Umesh More TYCO
5 Computer Hardware and Primary Maintenance 12/02/2018 Mr. Suhas Salvi, Proprietor, Laser arts Pune SYCO
6 Idea to execution 01/17/2018 Mr. Ajit Gulankar TYCO
7 IOT: Internet Of Things 21/02/2018 Mr. Soso Bandyopadhyay SYCO
Academic Year 16-17
Sr. No. Topic Date-Month-Year Resource Person Class
1 AGILE Development 29/07/2016 Ms.Sayali Jagtap
ThoughtWorks Pvt. Ltd. Yerwada
2 Road to True Success 04/08/2016 Mr. C.E.Potnis
Founder and Managing Director of NitorInfotech Pvt. Ltd.
3 Advance Tools in PC Maintenance 02/02/2017 Narendra G. Girme
Manager (Customer Support) Computer Info. Tech. Pvt. Ltd. Pune
4 Awareness about Jobs After Diploma 10/01/2017 Ms.Sayali Jagtap
ThoughtWorks Pvt. Ltd. Yerwada
5 Software Testing 13/02/2017 Mrs.Kalpana Dua TYCO
Academic Year 15-16
Sr. No. Topic Date-Month-Year Resource Person Class
1 Study Techniques and Career Guidance 18/02/2016 Mr. S.N.Mharasale TYCO
2 Group discussion and Interview Techniques 18/01/2016 Mr. Deepak Landge SYCO
3 Interpersonal communication 22/09/2015 Seed Infotech SYCO
4 Cisco networking 21/09/2015 Mr. Ashok Pattar TYCO
5 Project Management 15/10//2015 Mr. Anil Jadhav TYCO
Guest Lecture on Ethical hacking on 11.07.2018 By Mr. Satish Singh, SYSAP Technology, Pune

Guest  Lecture on  Introduction to Open source Web-Technologies on 19.09.2018 By Mr. RavikiranBhendegave,  Pune

Guest Lecture on  SAP on 08.01.2019  By Mr. DivyabhanuRana, R. Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Guest Lecture on Data communication and Networking on 29.01.2019 By Mr. A.J.Kadam, AISSMS COE

Guest Lecture on ENGINEERING  is awesome on 12.02.2019 By Mr.  Raghavan Koli